↑Touch↑ |
↑Touch↑ |
![]() 3 - 8 |
![]() 5 min - |
![]() 6 - 99 |
- Kanji Card x 18 (black and red on each side)
- "令 (Rei)" card x 1
- "和 (Wa)" card x 1
Hold up your device (smartphone or tablet) to reveal two kanji that form the name of a new Japanese era, other players have to take the two kanji cards that correspond to this name as fast as possible. Finding only one card does not count as taking the cards.
In the bonus rounds, if players can put together the name of the era names with the cards collected, they can make a come-from-behind win!
Game App
Choice of kanji colors
All cards have a front and a back side with either black kanji or red kanji. The game itself is the same, but the variety of kanji is different.
In case the cards were already laid out on the table, the game can start from the color that has the most cards.
How to Play
Game Setup
The 18 kanji cards are randomly laid out on the table. The "令 (Rei)" card and "和 (Wa)" card are placed in the middle.
One player has the role of presenter, which is to hold the device and show the new Japanese era names. The game has eight rounds. The person who most recently wrote "令和 (Reiwa)" will be the first presenter.
While holding your device, face it down then raise up to generate a new Japanese era in the app.
Before showing the name, the presenter should in a serious tone say something like "The name of the next era is...", "Silence! Silence!", or "Thank you for waiting."
The other players have to find the corresponding kanji cards as fast as possible. When they find the cards, they have to take them at the same time with both their hands. It is not allowed to only take one card.
The player takes up the cards they acquired and places them close to themselves upside down. (When black kanji cards were taken, then the red kanji is visible. Also, the "Rei" and "Wa" cards are not turned upside down.)
It is even more interesting when the presenter invents an explanation for the origin of the new imperial era name.
The player who acquired the cards in this round now becomes the next presenter.
End of the Game: Bonus Era Names
After eight rounds, the application will show six bonus imperial era names. The player who can put together the most bonus era names with the kanji cards they acquired during the game is the winner.
If no one can put together the names or the number of completed bonus imperial names are the same, then the player who collected the most kanji cards is the winner.
By the way, the bonus era names were chosen from the most famous actual historical Japanese imperial eras.
To Continue Playing...
The cards can be turned over to continue playing.
If the first game was played with black kanji, then they can be used next as red kanji just by turning them upside down.
The imperial era names that are generated will be different.
List of Possible Era Names
Regarding the Choice of Japanese Era Names
All kanji chosen for the game came from an original analysis program of Japanese imperial eras. Historically there are 247 Japanese imperial eras, adopting 72 kanji in total. By using these 72 kanji, including “和 (Wa)”, and “令 (Rei)” from the current era, possible combinations are calculated.
If the same combination appears frequently, that era name generated sounds similar to a real Japanese era name. To comply with proper Japanese era names, some of the kanji are used in both black and red side of cards.
Era names in black kanji
Including the past era kanji: 81
Era names in red kanji
Including the past era kanji: 82
Bonus era names
Era names chosen for bonus rounds belongs to eras that are believed to be more famous.
Black kanji | Red kanji |
永仁,元禄,天正,天保,応仁,正長,文永,文禄,昭和,大正,大化,大宝,万和,万保,保元,令和 | 天正,天明,天平,正長,文永,安政,慶応,慶長,明治,明暦,寛政,平治,平成,建武 ,令和 |
16 sets | 15 sets |
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