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間取り図一覧 (Floor-plans list)

全ステージを一括ダウンロード [Download All the PDF]

>日本語< >English< >中文< >繁體中文<

各ステージごとにダウンロード [Download the PDF per each Stage]

Stage1 Stage2 Stage3
Stage4 Stage5 Stage6
Stage7 Stage8 Stage9
Stage10 Stage11 Stage12
Stage13 Stage14 Stage15
Stage16 Stage17 Stage18
Stage19 Stage20 Stage21


We provide Japanese, English, Transitional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese.
Our server reads your language setting of the browser and shows proper documents.

専用アプリでの間取り図の表示 [App for Madorica Real Estate]


Some players may not have a printer, we created the app can show the floor plans on the gameplay of "Madorica real estate" on Nintendo Switch.

